
Required Online Documents- Final Forms

Link to English, Spanish, and Somali Versions of Final Forms Parent Help Sheet

We are requiring that all student-athletes use Final Forms, an online paperwork system that allows you to fill out most paperwork once and not have to continuously repeat the same information each season.

Please register @

Once on the site, Click “New Account” under the parent icon. After you have confirmed your registration you are ready to add your student-athletes. You will need the following information for the children you are registering:

• Basic Medical History & Health Information

Insurance Company & Policy Number

Doctor & Dentist Contact Information

Hospital Preference

Email Address for BOTH you and your student

After your initial set up, you will not have to complete this information again. You will only need to update the information if you have a change in the above information.

Physical Exams

Physical Exam Document

Students MUST have an OHSAA physical form (completed and signed by a doctor) uploaded to Final Forms PRIOR TO tryouts or practice.

Students may come to open gyms/mats without having a physical completed, but will need to have an SWCSD Liability Waiver signed and given to the activity coach/advisor. 

If a OHSAA completed physical form is NOT in Final Forms, students WILL NOT be able to try-out or practice with any team.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child's coach or Laurie Buchieri, Assistant Principal. Thank you for your time and patience in making sure these forms are completed on Final Forms by the start of practice/tryouts. GO JAGS!

Laurie A. Buchieri

Assistant Principal


Important Information for 2025 Fall  Athletes and Parents:

Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco, Citizenship (DATC)